Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Take A Day To Honor

This first Veterans Day poster says, "Honoring All Who Served". It shows the American flag waving in the sky. Surrounding the American flag is a dark sky and a lot of dark gray clouds. Through the clouds and shinning onto the flag is the sun beaming through. There are also silver stars that go towards the flag to add to this great poster. This poster is full with the American colors; red, white, and blue. The words however, are not as powerful as they are in the second poster.

 This second Veterans Day poster to me, is better than the first. This poster does not have any color to it.  The big footprint in the dirt is enough. The poster says, " Following in the footsteps of the past, present and future". On the bottom of the poster it says, " November 11th, Veterans Day. A day of honor, a day of remembrance". The words on this poster are much stronger than the words of the first poster. The boot footprint symbolizes the work and the mark that soldiers leave behind as they fight for their country. This poster shows what the real meaning of Veterans Day is, to honor those who's footsteps  shape our country.

Gee, Chuck. Veterans Day. Digital image. Kick Acts. 11 Nov. 2010. Web. 26 Oct. 2011. <>.