Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Like a different world

    For the first ten years of my life I lived in Staten Island, New York. In the summer right before sixth grade, I moved to Florida. I was young and I didn't really see a difference in the two states other than the obvious, that one state snows while the other does not. Once I actually moved to Florida and got settled in, was when I realized that when these two states are compared, they are like a different world.
    What I found to be completely different when I moved to Florida was definitely the noise level. In New York, lets just say, you couldn't hear a pin drop. All hours of the night you hear the screeching sirens from police cars and the beeping horns from cars, which almost make your ears ring. In New York, you hear people screaming at the person they are talking to, almost as if they are in an agreement. Sometimes, you would even witness arms swinging as punches are being thrown in the back parking lot. In Florida, where I live now, I hardly ever hear people talking. When I am outside, I feel as if I am shouting, because it is so quiet. I hear an occasional siren, but it's not an everyday event like it is in New York.
    In New York, one thing that I loved was that everyone was active outside. The kids were not usually inside sitting like a couch potato by the t.v. Most kids from the neighborhood could either be found playing at the hand ball courts, the broken netted basketball hoops, or just hanging out in an empty parking lot. In Florida, or atleast where I live, most kids spend their time ticking away inside. Where I live it is a nice, tropical city covered with palm trees everywhere you look.There are a lot of exotic looking plants and green grass. Where I lived in New York, the sidewalks were lifting up, causing you to trip. The trees are bigger and bulkier than they are in Florida. Those colorful, little flowers can only be grown in certain times of the year. In New York, most cars are parked parallel on the sides of the streets. Here, in Florida, it's not so common to find cars parallel parked unless it's by the beach.
    If I was making a list comparing New York and Florida, I would be here all day and night. Despite all of the differences between New York and Florida, they have atleast two thing in common. They are both great states and I loved living in both of them.


  1. I enjoyed reading your post because I am from New York as well. I lived in the country part of New york so I am not familiar with a few of the things you said about New York. I honestly do not have any suggestions about your post. I think you did a fantastic job comparing the two states. You had my attention the entire time. Again great job on this post.
