Wednesday, October 5, 2011

As long as it gets the job done.

    The following is a comparison- contrast of two detergent commercials. The first commercial is about Tide laundry detergent and the second is about All laundry detergent. Both commercials are comparing the same products. In the Tide commercial the main focus is a mother who wants to buy her young daughter new clothes. The daughter gets dirty and leaves crayons in her pockets. Just when the mother thought her daughters clothes would be stained, she used Tide detergent and they all came out. In the Tide commercial the slogan is, "that's my tide, what's yours?", and it also says "Style is an option, clean is not". The Tide video is pretty funny and has 136,892 views on youtube.
     In the All laundry detergent commercial, it shows a video of a little boy, playing outside in the dirt with his dog. The boy shovels dirt onto the dog, which then causes the dog to kick dirt onto the little boy.In this commercial, it is aimed towards parents, because they say "kids clothes get really clean and look great no matter how many times you wash it". The commercial's slogan is, "Got kids, get All". This All commercial has 1,261 views on youtube.

Tide Commercial:

All Commercial:

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