Wednesday, September 21, 2011

A World Full Of Plagiarism

      The article, Lines on Plagiarism Blur for Students in Digital Age, from the New York Times, starts off by telling the stories of students from three different colleges that committed plagiarism. In the article, they say how most students plagiarize not realizing how serious of a matter it is. Students think it’s easier to take someone else’s words and use them in their assignment. What students fail to do is to give the writer the appropriate credit they deserve. Surveys from 2006-2010 by Donald L. McCabe, a co-founder for the center for Academic Integrity, states that about 40 percent of 14,000 undergraduates admitted to copying a few sentences in written assignments. Copying and pasting information from websites has become more common, due to the fact that you can find anything on the web just by doing a little research.
       I can understand why plagiarism is such a big deal. If I was writing something and someone else wanted to use my words I would expect the proper credit. Plagiarism is kind of like stealing. You are stealing someone's thoughts and words. Whenever I would have an assignment I would do my best to make sure I cited my papers correctly, giving the writer credit. Even when I did cite my sources properly, I would still be nervous submitting it into Websites almost make it tempting to just copy and paste what they have. Plagiarism is a big deal and you can get yourself into a lot of trouble.  To me, it's a risk I'm not willing to take.

1 comment:

  1. Nice post summarizing the idea in the New York Times article. Great graphic and title, too. You still have errors in your mechanics, like not putting commas after introductory phrases. Please fix these mistakes.
