Thursday, January 19, 2012

Watching the Hobbit Trailer

For reading number 3, I was completely confused about the article. I have never read any of the books or watched any of the movies that they are talking about. So as I was reading through the article, I really did not have a clue as to what was going on. The title of the article is ‘Why the Hobbit Trailer Creeps Me Out”, so I watched the trailer. Having never watched the movie before, based on the title, I was expecting the trailer to be really creepy. However, after I read the article, I realized why Erick found it creepy. He was creeped out because they changed the characters personalities. I kind of agree with him when it comes to this because I don’t like when I watch a movie after I read a book and it is completely different. I think that if you are going to make a movie after a book, it should be the same thing. People choose to watch a movie after a book because they enjoyed reading it and now they want to see a visual of what they just read. People don’t want to watch a movie that is different from what they just read. That is just plain out confusing and unnecessary. If this one guy feels so strongly about it and practically begged the people in charge to re-shoot if they changed more characters, then I am sure a lot of people must feel the same way as well.


  1. I was also confused by the title. I thought that the trailer would be creepy in some way, but it really wasn't. I think that the title was inappropriate for this reading. He really wasn't creeped out as much as upset. I liked that he had a lot of details to back up his complaint, but i couldn't really follow them since i haven't read the books or seem the movies either. I agree with what he's saying overall though. Its upsetting when a director changes a movie that much from a book. I really likes what you said about people watch the movie because they like the book.

  2. I was just as confused with you about reading 3. I had also never read or seen any of the books or movies and therefore was very lost. When you read a book you get a mental image of the characters and the scene. It throws me off when I go to watch the movie and it ends up being nothing like I have imagined. I agree with what you said on how people want to see the movie because they enjoyed the book. When everything is switched around it makes it not as enjoyable. Also if directors keep changing characters then people are not going to want to go see any of their movies, scared they are going to be all mixed up.
