Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Religion in Harry Potter?

The question is, does the Harry Potter novels promote religion or undermine it?
Let me start off by saying that I have never read a Harry Potter novel. For some reason it just doesn't spark my interest so I never felt the need or desire to watch or read. I may have a different view on the passage that we read from Ari Armstrong, due to the fact that I never actually read the J.K. Rowling novels.
            After reading the passage I have personally come to the conclusion that I don't think the novels have any religious meaning. It just seems to me like the writer wanted to come up with a storyline that would interest people. People like magic, they like heroism, and fighting for what's theirs, and that is exactly what the novels are about. Yeah, there may be some parts based on the passage that are similar to events that happened in Christianity, but I don't think this was done to have a religious meaning. I believe the purpose of this was simply to entertain the reader. Then again, this is my intake on it and I don't have much background knowledge about the stories. Someone who read all the novels may have a different opinion than the one that I have.

1 comment:

  1. Lisa- I have read the books, but I still agree with your interpretation on the article. Your response shows that even without reading the books, just knowing the gist of them, you can still tell that no religious connotations were intended. I like when you stated "People like magic, they like heroism, and fighting for what's theirs, and that is exactly what the novels are about." I think that basically sums up the novels, and the claims against them. Like you said, some religious aspects are included, but they are not meant to set the basis for the entire series.
