Monday, November 28, 2011

What Would It Take To Accomplish Your Goals?

   As a University student, there are many things that I wish to accomplish. My main goal as a University student is to graduate with a bachelor's degree. Once I have completed my academic journey, I hope to be able to find a good job in the Resort and Hospitality field and start my career. The factors that may have an impact on my ability of achieving my goals would be lack of focus. The most important thing for me is to remember how I got here and where I am trying to go. The people that I can turn to for support is my family. They have always been there for me and will continue to be there with guidance.

   With that all being said, my who's would have to be anyone who has worked hard to get to where they are. My who's would be someone who has been through hard times, but jumped back and achieved their goals. My who's would be the people who told me I wouldn't be able to go to a University, also the people who tried to convince me to accept less than what my dreams are. In a way, some of the people who have made me struggle, are now the ones who are my who's. Those are the people that make me force myself even harder to accomplish my dreams so I can prove them wrong.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Put A Stop To Rape and Sexual Assault

 Campus Health and Safety
    Rape and Sexual Assault, as defined by the National College Women Sexual Victimization study is, forced sexual intercourse including both psychological coercion as well as physical force. Forced sexual intercourse  means vaginal, anal, or oral penetration by the offender(s). Includes, attempted rapes, male and female victims, and both homosexual and heterosexual rape. Attempted rape includes verbal threats of rape. When a victim states they they know the perpetrator, this is known as acquaintance rape. Acquaintance rape is the most common crime on U.S campuses. The National College Women Sexual Victimization study stated that 1.7 percent of women in college have experienced a completed rape and 1.1 percent experienced an attempted rape. Two ways that you can prevent this crime is by developing and enforcing policies against aggressive and violent behaviors,and by reducing students vulnerability to sexual victimization by strangers through providing a safer physical environment.

    Rape and sexual assault is an extremely serious issue. It happens way too much and is continuing to become more common. In order to promote a campus that is free of fear and intimidation, I believe we need to put the word out more. We just need to express the dangers and make people more aware. If we can make people more aware, I believe that we could prevent some rape and sexual assault accounts from happening.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Inside The Dangerous World of Facebook

   There are many Facebook dangers. Sadly, most probably aren't aware of them.  From the article To Be Or Not To Be On Facebook: That Is The Question by Rashid Kashani, Susan Burwash, and Anita Hamilton, talks  about the potential dangers of Facebook. A main danger of Facebook is identity theft. Users put out too much personal information which leads to people stealing their identities. That brings me to my next point; privacy. The article said, every time Facebook updates or changes its website, your privacy settings are set back to default. After this happening, you must reset your privacy settings back to how you want them to be. The down fall is, if you are not aware of this, your profile and all of your information will be out in the public for everyone to see. Some applications on Facebook can access your information. Everything that you upload onto Facebook can be viewed  publicly. Nothing is really private. Facebook is also a way for people to stalk you, which can be very dangerous.

   I strongly agree with everything that the article talked about. I believe that Facebook can be very dangerous if it is not used cautiously. When using Facebook, you must act cautiously. It is best that you keep your settings on private so that only your friends can view your profile. Also, it is important that you only friend people that you actually know. I have read about cases where people would make a Facebook account and then act as someone else. If you think about it, over the internet, you never really know who you are talking to. There is always going to be someone out there that will be able to get around the privacy settings and retrieve all of your information. I think that Facebook is a great place to stay in contact with your friends and family, but there are just too many risks that come along with it. All it takes is someone to get your information, they can find out everything they need to know about you. Plus, they even have access to your picture, which means they know what you look like. In my opinion, Facebook is potentially very dangerous. The bottom line is that you need to be careful and aware of the dangerous so that you don't get caught in the middle of it.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Is It Worth Your Life?

    The following is an advertisement that states, " Don't Drink & Drive." It shows one side of a man that is dressed in the uniform of a doctor, and he is holding a pint of blood in his hand. The other side of the man is dressed in everyday  clothing, holding a pint of beer. Going through the middle of the image is the words, "What pint will you be served tonight?" In this advertisment, they use a bright yellow background and all capital letters where it says "Don't drink & drive." This advertisment is targeted as a precaution for anyone who is thinking about going out and drinking and driving.

   In my opinion, this advertisment is very effective and persuasive. It is more than just a basic don't drink and drive poster. The image is showing the effects of drinking and driving. It is persuasive because it scares you. It makes you think about what could happen if you do get served that pint of beer and then drive. Chances are, if you make that choice, your life will be at risk and you will need that pint of blood.
Is it worth your life? I think not. Be responsible.

Drinking And Driving. Digital image. Bar Plans. Web. 14 Nov. 2011. <>.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

What Do Men and Women Really Want?

The title of this video is Why Men Don't Talk To Women. The central message of this video  is that women don't give men a chance. When the men would approach the women and ask a simple question like "What time is it?", the women think too much into it and think the men want something more, when in reality they only asked a simple question. Every girl that the boy approaches denies him until he approached the last girl and said "I have money". This is showing how women will go with a man just because he has something that she wants; in this case it is money. I can see where the author is trying to go with this comical cartoon. I agree with the author because yes, some women are like that. They will do anything for a man with money but not all women are like this. Believe it or not, some women do go for a man with just a good heart.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Take A Day To Honor

This first Veterans Day poster says, "Honoring All Who Served". It shows the American flag waving in the sky. Surrounding the American flag is a dark sky and a lot of dark gray clouds. Through the clouds and shinning onto the flag is the sun beaming through. There are also silver stars that go towards the flag to add to this great poster. This poster is full with the American colors; red, white, and blue. The words however, are not as powerful as they are in the second poster.

 This second Veterans Day poster to me, is better than the first. This poster does not have any color to it.  The big footprint in the dirt is enough. The poster says, " Following in the footsteps of the past, present and future". On the bottom of the poster it says, " November 11th, Veterans Day. A day of honor, a day of remembrance". The words on this poster are much stronger than the words of the first poster. The boot footprint symbolizes the work and the mark that soldiers leave behind as they fight for their country. This poster shows what the real meaning of Veterans Day is, to honor those who's footsteps  shape our country.

Gee, Chuck. Veterans Day. Digital image. Kick Acts. 11 Nov. 2010. Web. 26 Oct. 2011. <>.