Monday, November 21, 2011

Put A Stop To Rape and Sexual Assault

 Campus Health and Safety
    Rape and Sexual Assault, as defined by the National College Women Sexual Victimization study is, forced sexual intercourse including both psychological coercion as well as physical force. Forced sexual intercourse  means vaginal, anal, or oral penetration by the offender(s). Includes, attempted rapes, male and female victims, and both homosexual and heterosexual rape. Attempted rape includes verbal threats of rape. When a victim states they they know the perpetrator, this is known as acquaintance rape. Acquaintance rape is the most common crime on U.S campuses. The National College Women Sexual Victimization study stated that 1.7 percent of women in college have experienced a completed rape and 1.1 percent experienced an attempted rape. Two ways that you can prevent this crime is by developing and enforcing policies against aggressive and violent behaviors,and by reducing students vulnerability to sexual victimization by strangers through providing a safer physical environment.

    Rape and sexual assault is an extremely serious issue. It happens way too much and is continuing to become more common. In order to promote a campus that is free of fear and intimidation, I believe we need to put the word out more. We just need to express the dangers and make people more aware. If we can make people more aware, I believe that we could prevent some rape and sexual assault accounts from happening.


  1. Excellent job on your summary and response on the topic of rape and sexual assault.

  2. This blog post really hits home for me and I'm glad you see this as serious issue because it is very serious. You did a good job defining rape and sexual assault.
