Wednesday, November 2, 2011

What Do Men and Women Really Want?

The title of this video is Why Men Don't Talk To Women. The central message of this video  is that women don't give men a chance. When the men would approach the women and ask a simple question like "What time is it?", the women think too much into it and think the men want something more, when in reality they only asked a simple question. Every girl that the boy approaches denies him until he approached the last girl and said "I have money". This is showing how women will go with a man just because he has something that she wants; in this case it is money. I can see where the author is trying to go with this comical cartoon. I agree with the author because yes, some women are like that. They will do anything for a man with money but not all women are like this. Believe it or not, some women do go for a man with just a good heart.

1 comment:

  1. Good job on this post, Lisa. There are just a couple of problems with the mechanics. You will want to separate your summary from your response.
