Monday, November 14, 2011

Is It Worth Your Life?

    The following is an advertisement that states, " Don't Drink & Drive." It shows one side of a man that is dressed in the uniform of a doctor, and he is holding a pint of blood in his hand. The other side of the man is dressed in everyday  clothing, holding a pint of beer. Going through the middle of the image is the words, "What pint will you be served tonight?" In this advertisment, they use a bright yellow background and all capital letters where it says "Don't drink & drive." This advertisment is targeted as a precaution for anyone who is thinking about going out and drinking and driving.

   In my opinion, this advertisment is very effective and persuasive. It is more than just a basic don't drink and drive poster. The image is showing the effects of drinking and driving. It is persuasive because it scares you. It makes you think about what could happen if you do get served that pint of beer and then drive. Chances are, if you make that choice, your life will be at risk and you will need that pint of blood.
Is it worth your life? I think not. Be responsible.

Drinking And Driving. Digital image. Bar Plans. Web. 14 Nov. 2011. <>.

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