Monday, February 20, 2012

Glamorizing Teen Pregnancy

Teen pregnancy is a very hard thing to go through. When you are having a child when you are so young you are sure to face a ton of struggles. I find it ridiculous that these girls that got pregnant so young have TV shows and are put on the cover of magazines. When this happens it makes it seem like teen pregnancy is ok. I definitely agree with everything that the writer of this article said. I feel like it puts the thought in young girls mind that I am young, if I have a baby then I can be on a TV show and then get paid a lot of money and become famous.  When they have shows like 16 and pregnant it sends out the wrong message. It may be an interesting show to watch whenever you’re bored and have absolutely nothing else to do. However, teen pregnancy is not glamorous. It is a lot of hard work. Especially for the teenage mothers who aren’t getting paid for it. I do not understand why teenage mothers need a television show about them and their baby. Why is it that you get a show because you are 16 when there are millions of people giving birth every day? This is just one of those things that I don’t get.

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