Monday, February 13, 2012

New Technologies

Well, I would just like to start off by saying that the author of this article seems extremely upset and is completely against new technology. I can see where the writer is coming from when he talks about all of the different kinds of new technology. What I don’t understand is why he is so angry about it. The main thing that he seems to be against is the kindle. Many people in my family own kindles and they all love it. They all say that it is so great that you don’t have to go to the library and rent a book and then have to return it. It is so much easier to read a book and not have the actual book in your hand. I am just not sure why this person is so upset by it. Having and developing new technologies is a good thing and people love it. If you happen to be extremely against it like the writer is, then you simply don’t need to buy it. You can still go to the library every time you want to read a book. But don’t forget, you are going to have to return it on time.  No one is forcing you to change with the new technologies.


  1. I agree. I found it a little weird how mad and worked up the author was getting when they were talking about this new technology. Technology isn't a bad thing and if certain people want to use the newer technology, they should be allowed to without other people complaining about it. It just seems like a dumb argument and it actually got annoying how much the author was ranting and complaining about this issue. I felt like they should have spent more time giving a reasonable argument from their stand point, rather than bashing technology the entire time.

  2. I agree with you on the subject of Kindles. As to why the author is so offended by them is beyond anyone’s comprehension. In her article she comes across as condescending and examines the things that she considers to be a negative. Who died and made her the queen of all acceptable technology? One thing she complains about is people not being able to read more than one book while on a train but what about a 15 hour flight to Europe? Surely you don’t want to have to carry the four or five books you could read while on the flight there and back.
