Thursday, February 9, 2012

Standardized Testing

This article was about what happens when adults take the mandatory state provided standardized testing. I found this article to be very interesting. I find it ridiculous how these tests can prevent you from going to college. It is amazing to me that this guy who wrote the article is so well educated with a bachelor degree, two masters’ degrees and some on his way for a doctorate, yet he can’t get a decent grade on the standardized test. This says something to me. I am convinced that these tests are unnecessary. Does one test like this really determine how smart you are? Should a test like this determine what class level you should be placed in? Some people, including myself, are just not the best test takers. So basically, it doesn’t matter what kind of grades you got throughout the year in tenth grade. If you do poorly on this test, then all your hard work was basically a waste. I agree with what the writer says that the information that is asked on the test is nothing that you will need to know for a career. So I ask myself, what really is the point of standardized testing?

1 comment:

  1. I too am a terrible test taker. These tests are just so demoralizing when you don't pass but yet you put all your effort into it. Not even all the effort you put into school can save you sadly. I think that if the politicians took these tests, everyone would know who really needs to be re-educated. I think we should just have the end of the year exams be the test that decides whether we pass or not since it would cover the relevant information you learned in class. From what I hear, the no child left behind act is losing support and apparently ten states(Florida being 1) have been given the chance to step away from the no child left behind act.
