Monday, February 27, 2012

Twitter Censorship

This week’s article is similar to the article that I chose to use for my paper 1. I am not really sure what stand the author of this article is taking. I just know that freedom of speech is one of our  American Amendments. If we truly have freedom of speech then why are our thoughts and words being blocked on websites such as twitter? I don’t understand why they would block our tweets. I also don’t understand why the information that we post on twitter would be censored in different countries. I think that if you are going to post something on twitter then you are exercising your freedom of speech and it should have the ability to be read throughout the world if that is something that you want. The article states that there is a code that can prevent your tweets from being censored. What is the point in blocking tweets if all you need to do is insert a code and you can avoid it from being blocked? The whole thing just seems pointless to me then. I can’t believe that people would actually go to court to challenge their tweet that was being blocked. I just don’t think it is that serious.  

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