Monday, March 12, 2012

Online Piracy

Well, this article is what I chose to write my paper 1 on. I thought it was kind of an interesting article because I never really noticed that there are some positives to online piracy. Before I read this article I just thought that online piracy was bad and you just shouldn’t do it because it is wrong. In a way, online piracy is stealing. However, after reading through this article and really thinking about it I realized that online piracy is not causing America to suffer at all. I agree with what Matthew Yglesias says in this article. People participate in copyright infringement simply because nobody wants to pay the high prices for things such as music and movies. Due to the fact that we don’t want to pay the high prices, we tend to lean to sources to illegally download the things we want. The whole point of this article was does online piracy really need to be stopped? Yes, it is morally not the right thing to do, but who are we harming? The entertainment industry doesn’t seem to be suffering because people are illegally downloading music. There is no way to penalize every person that participates in online piracy.  

1 comment:

  1. i actually found your article pretty informative. i just thought that it was bad too. I wasn't really sure what was and what wasn't considered online piracy. It seems like online piracy isn't that big of a deal. If i couldn't do it, i certainly wouldn't be buying all of my songs from iTunes. People would find other ways, they would buy a CD and share it with all their friends. I just can't see a college student, let alone all the younger kids with iPods, paying $1.29 for every song they want to listen to, not gonna happen.
