Monday, March 19, 2012

TV Show Child Abuse

I have to admit, I do like to watch the shows Toddlers and Tiaras and Dance Moms. It seems like whenever I put the shows on they are always on a marathon and before you know it I watch the whole season. Many people may not like these shows but I happen to find them to be entertaining. I do not see it as child abuse. In some cases on Toddlers and Tiaras the young kids don’t want to perform in the pageants and are forced to anyway. However, there are many kids that do say that they love to perform and participate in them. The kids are so young. As far as Dance Moms goes, the dance instructor is very harsh. She does criticize both the kids and the moms to a point when you are shocked. However, if it was really considered child abuse would she be getting away with it? I am pretty sure that for both of these shows or any other TV shows that people think are showing “child abuse” they wouldn’t be on TV. Why would anyone film that and get themselves into trouble. If it really was child abuse I’m sure they wouldn’t get so many viewers. People are not going to watch a child getting abused.

1 comment:

  1. I have never watched this show before or any show similar to it, so I couldn't really form an opinion. But, since you say that you watch this show often and you don't see any child abuse, then I'm going to have to agree with you. I guess that makes sense. If a tv show suspects their own show has some child abuse in it, they wouldn't air it. It just seems like the author is blowing it all out of proportion and exaggerating quite a bit. I agree with just about everything you said in this blog post.
