Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Good For Kids?

The title of this article being “Same Sex Marriage is Good For Kids”, I thought there would be a lot more information regarding kids involved in these situations. I think I was expecting more of how same sex marriage would benefit a child. The article says that keeping same sex marriage in New Hampshire is good because it shows kids that everyone is equal. Another part of the article states that if the same sex law was repealed then it would be damaging to gay kids. Honestly, I don’t think there will ever be an end to this controversial topic. No matter what laws are passed or repealed, which states allow same sex marriage and don’t, there will always be people who are all for it or all against it. I think this issue will always be around. In my opinion I think that children should grow up with a father and a mother. I don’t want to say whether I am for same sex marriage or not because I don’t want to offend anybody. The article talks a lot about kids being bullied due to this issue. However, I don’t think that passing a law for same sex marriage would put a stop to the bullying at all.

1 comment:

  1. I expected more on children too, being that the title is "Same Sex Marriage is Good for Kids".. but when I think about children with two gay parents, I think of a confused child. If the parents do the whole fertilization thing with a woman to carry their child, sure one could be the biological father but what of the other and the mother? And vice versa. However, when it comes to adoption, I can see how same sex marriages would benefit a child. If any set of parents is willing to take a child out of the adoption system and give them love, why shouldn't they?
    Anyways, I agree with you that there will never be an end (at least not in the near future) to this topic. And no law will ever stop bullying.
