Thursday, March 15, 2012

Winnie Has Disorders?

Let me begin by saying that as soon as I opened up this article and read the short introduction I thought “oh great, what is this going to be about”? I think that this article was completely ridiculous for someone to write. Honestly, nobody thinks this way about Winnie the Pooh! Out of all of the times I have watched Winnie and his friends, even when I got older, not once did one of these thoughts go through my mind. I am sure that the creators of the show didn’t intend on it to be interpreted like this. It is a cute show that almost all kids love to watch. Why can’t it just stay as simple and innocent as that? Winnie doesn’t have OCD or ADHD or any other disorder and I really don’t want to think of it any other way. I must admit though that this article was quite interesting to read and I found myself coming to a little chuckle here and there. This has also happened before with another children’s show, the Telletubbies. With that show people over analyzed one of the characters and brought of issues of his “sexual orientation”. I find it ridiculous.

1 comment:

  1. Your blog sounded almost exactly like mine! I think this article is crazy. You are right, nobody thinks of it that way. If you went out and took a poll, I highly doubt that anyone would say that they saw these disorders when they watched the show. I believe that any show, movie, book, or whatever can be said that it has a bunch of hidden meanings. My opinion though is that people just over analyze things and make up all this crazy nonsense to make them sound like they really know what they are talking about. I wonder what percentage read this article and actually believed what the author wrote.
    Courtney Chance
