Monday, March 26, 2012

Prison Women

For the article “Is Prison Worse for Women”, the author didn’t really talk much about why it is supposedly worse for the women. I found it to be a very short article and when I was finished reading it I was still wondering why prison is worse for women. One point that the article makes is that women’s prisons want more female guards. I can understand why this would be and I also think it is a good idea. These women or any women for that matter don’t want to have male guards sexual harassing them or invading their privacy. Could you blame them? Other than this issue, the article goes on to talk about the numbers of women that are in prison. As I mentioned earlier in this post, my questions weren’t really answered in this article. I would like to know more information on why prison is worse for women than it is for men. Is it just because the male guards sometimes sexually harass the women, is it the lack of privacy or is it because two-thirds of the women in prison are mothers? Just based on the information that I was provided with in this article, I can’t understand why prison would be worse for women.

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