Monday, March 26, 2012

Prison Women

For the article “Is Prison Worse for Women”, the author didn’t really talk much about why it is supposedly worse for the women. I found it to be a very short article and when I was finished reading it I was still wondering why prison is worse for women. One point that the article makes is that women’s prisons want more female guards. I can understand why this would be and I also think it is a good idea. These women or any women for that matter don’t want to have male guards sexual harassing them or invading their privacy. Could you blame them? Other than this issue, the article goes on to talk about the numbers of women that are in prison. As I mentioned earlier in this post, my questions weren’t really answered in this article. I would like to know more information on why prison is worse for women than it is for men. Is it just because the male guards sometimes sexually harass the women, is it the lack of privacy or is it because two-thirds of the women in prison are mothers? Just based on the information that I was provided with in this article, I can’t understand why prison would be worse for women.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Good For Kids?

The title of this article being “Same Sex Marriage is Good For Kids”, I thought there would be a lot more information regarding kids involved in these situations. I think I was expecting more of how same sex marriage would benefit a child. The article says that keeping same sex marriage in New Hampshire is good because it shows kids that everyone is equal. Another part of the article states that if the same sex law was repealed then it would be damaging to gay kids. Honestly, I don’t think there will ever be an end to this controversial topic. No matter what laws are passed or repealed, which states allow same sex marriage and don’t, there will always be people who are all for it or all against it. I think this issue will always be around. In my opinion I think that children should grow up with a father and a mother. I don’t want to say whether I am for same sex marriage or not because I don’t want to offend anybody. The article talks a lot about kids being bullied due to this issue. However, I don’t think that passing a law for same sex marriage would put a stop to the bullying at all.

Monday, March 19, 2012

TV Show Child Abuse

I have to admit, I do like to watch the shows Toddlers and Tiaras and Dance Moms. It seems like whenever I put the shows on they are always on a marathon and before you know it I watch the whole season. Many people may not like these shows but I happen to find them to be entertaining. I do not see it as child abuse. In some cases on Toddlers and Tiaras the young kids don’t want to perform in the pageants and are forced to anyway. However, there are many kids that do say that they love to perform and participate in them. The kids are so young. As far as Dance Moms goes, the dance instructor is very harsh. She does criticize both the kids and the moms to a point when you are shocked. However, if it was really considered child abuse would she be getting away with it? I am pretty sure that for both of these shows or any other TV shows that people think are showing “child abuse” they wouldn’t be on TV. Why would anyone film that and get themselves into trouble. If it really was child abuse I’m sure they wouldn’t get so many viewers. People are not going to watch a child getting abused.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Winnie Has Disorders?

Let me begin by saying that as soon as I opened up this article and read the short introduction I thought “oh great, what is this going to be about”? I think that this article was completely ridiculous for someone to write. Honestly, nobody thinks this way about Winnie the Pooh! Out of all of the times I have watched Winnie and his friends, even when I got older, not once did one of these thoughts go through my mind. I am sure that the creators of the show didn’t intend on it to be interpreted like this. It is a cute show that almost all kids love to watch. Why can’t it just stay as simple and innocent as that? Winnie doesn’t have OCD or ADHD or any other disorder and I really don’t want to think of it any other way. I must admit though that this article was quite interesting to read and I found myself coming to a little chuckle here and there. This has also happened before with another children’s show, the Telletubbies. With that show people over analyzed one of the characters and brought of issues of his “sexual orientation”. I find it ridiculous.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Online Piracy

Well, this article is what I chose to write my paper 1 on. I thought it was kind of an interesting article because I never really noticed that there are some positives to online piracy. Before I read this article I just thought that online piracy was bad and you just shouldn’t do it because it is wrong. In a way, online piracy is stealing. However, after reading through this article and really thinking about it I realized that online piracy is not causing America to suffer at all. I agree with what Matthew Yglesias says in this article. People participate in copyright infringement simply because nobody wants to pay the high prices for things such as music and movies. Due to the fact that we don’t want to pay the high prices, we tend to lean to sources to illegally download the things we want. The whole point of this article was does online piracy really need to be stopped? Yes, it is morally not the right thing to do, but who are we harming? The entertainment industry doesn’t seem to be suffering because people are illegally downloading music. There is no way to penalize every person that participates in online piracy.